Saturday, May 26, 2012

BC Safe Sex Research - Building a Government Regulated Sexual Service Industry

Hello Everyone,

This email is being sent to recipients of the (world famous) BC Safe Sex Update Newsletter which co-existed with the former - BC Safe Sex Registry - as well as others who are aware of work I have done in (at least one of) the following three areas:
1 - BC Safe Sex Registry - Research & Proposal
2 - Metro-Vancouver Massage Business Research
3 - TransLink Wellness-Hub - Research, Proposal & Campaign

I would like to introduce you to a new initiative which I have recently started called the BC Safe Sex Research initiative ( which aims to generate discussion, and explore options for the government regulation of the Sexual Services industry.

Link to Private BCSSR Website at -  Password: 8354

Feel free to subscribe to Newsletters and Discussion Groups in order to join-in and be kept informed as this initiative evolves.

The following Discussion Group has been reserved for - Professionals Only -

This is not about the world of yesterday, it is about the world of tomorrow.

Rick Orser